Full Flight Tutorial

 Checklists: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/p/checklists.html
 Multiplayer guide: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/10/infinite-flight-live.html

A full flight is when you take off from one airport, and land at another. This is vital for Infinite Flight multiplayer. This tutorial is designed for multiplayer help, but can also be used for single player. Most information here is relevant for jets.

Decide your destination airport. Make sure it is a suitable airport; you have enough standing to go there, and it is big enough for your aircraft. Then, create a flight plan to that airport.
Flight plan tutorial: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/p/flight-planning.html

Now you are ready to taxi. Inform ATC unicom. In your settings, make sure you have auto tiller off (turn on the ground by tilting your device. This is not recommended) . Set flaps to 10-15. (depending on aircraft type) Then pushback, using the rudder to steer. Try to follow the taxi lines, and taxi to and hold short of your takeoff runway. If you don't know what runway it is, go to your map and zoom in to see the runway number.

Taxi Checklist
No smoking..........................On
Strobe lights..........................On
Flight controls........................Checked

Take Off
Now that you are holding short, you are ready for take off. Inform ATC. Make sure no aircrafts are going to land on your runway. Then, go through the before take off checklist.

Before Take-off Checklist
Nav lights.............................On
Beacon lights........................On
Landing lights........................On
Autopilot settings...................Set
Take off trim.........................10%
Seat belt sign.........................On

Taxi on to the runway. Once alligned, apply 90% power for take off. On your take off speed, gently lift off. On positive climb, gear up.
For jets: 180 knots: flaps 5  200 knots: flaps 1   220 knots: flaps up

After Take-off Checklist to the Line
Pitch.....................................__ degrees
Landing gear.........................Up

Crosswind takeoff: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/05/crosswind-landing.html

In Flight
Follow the flight plan by entering in the heading (bottom right of the information bar, next to BRG) into the autopilot panel. The altitude depends on your flight, but you should descend halfway throughout your flight.

After Take-off Checklist Below the Line
Pitch.....................................5-10 degrees
Seat belt sign........................Off
Landing lights.......................Off
Strobe lights.........................Off

Halfway throught your flight, descend to 2000 feet (for most flights) and a rate of 2000feet/min. When you are relatively close to your destination, inform ATC that you are inbound for landing. Maintain 2000 feet until you have the runway in sight.

Detailed guide: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/07/descent.html

Descent Checklist
Rate of descent.......................1000-2000 feet per minute
Speed.....................................Below 250 KIAS
Landing lights...........................On
Seat belt sign...........................On
Landing briefing.......................Confirmed

Landing tutorial: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/05/landing-tutorial.html
Crosswind landing tutorial: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/05/crosswind-landing.html
Make sure you inform ATC that you are on final.

Approach Checklist
Speed...................................160-180 KIAS
Rate of descent......................1000 feet per minute
Runway..................................In sight
Flaps......................................3 (15 degrees)

Landing Checklist
Autopilot go around altitude....Set
Trim.......................................As needed
Landing gear...........................Down
Flaps.......................................4 (30 degrees)
Rate of descent.......................500-700 feet per minute

Touchdown Checklist
Thrust reversers.......................On
At 60 knots..............................Thrust reversers off, spoilers up

If your landing is going badly and you need to go around: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/05/how-to-execute-go-around-missed-approach.html

Post Flight
Taxi off the runway, do not exceed 35 knots. Inform ATC you are clear of all runways. Taxi to a terminal and then parking spot.

Shutdown Checklist
Seat belt signs..........................Off
Parking break..........................Set

Afterwards, you can end flight. Congratuslations, you have complted a full flight! If you find this tutorial helpful, please share and +1 so more people can visit this website.


Infinite Flight Live

The highly anticipated multiplayer update has finally arrived. This is a paid option, and you can buy multiplayer for a month for $4.99 US and $49.99 for yearly subscription, along with the unlocking of all aircrafts. This may seem intimidating, but it is well worth it.

The System
Infinite Flight Live uses a XP based system. XP can be raised through flight hours, or landings. Your XP determines your standing, which gives you access to airports and cuts out airspace violations. Your XP and standing can go down, by violations, which will be discussed later in this post.
People with a red name tag means they are complete nubs and don't fly properly. You can get a red name tag if you keep doing violations. People with yellow name tags mean they have a standing of less than 50%, which is the starting standing count. People with a white name tag has a standing from 50% to 99%. People with green name tags all have a standing of 100%.
Note: If you have a standing of more than 90%, it gives you access to advanced servers, which appears from time to time.

Server Selections
By default, you are selected to join a random server. You can view the servers by pressing the server list. You can switch servers by pressing on a server and pressing select server. This is very important if you want to do a formation flight.

Violations causes your standing to go down. The following can cause violations:
  • Taxiing too fast. Do not taxi faster than 35 knots ground speed. (found in the HUD)
  • Using an aircraft too big in an airport
  • Crashing
  • Overspeeding. Do not exceed 250 knots under 10,000 feet.
  • Doing aerobatics in vicinity of an airport.
  • Airspace violations
The more your standing go down, the less airports you have access to.

How to raise standings fast
The best way of doing this is by doing touch and goes. Hop in a Cessna 208 (or 172) and take off from one airport to another. Upon landing, take off immediately then circle around to land again. By doing this, you are earning XP and raising your standing. Smooth landings give more XP than rough landings. Make sure you do no violations.

Formation Flights
Formation flights is when you fly with another person (or people), with both your aircrafts being close. To do formation flights, arrange a meet up in an airport and server. Also state the cruising altitude, speed and arrival airport. You can copy flight plans, by going to the FPL+INFO page and tapping on the other's aircraft. Then press Copy FPL.
There are many facebook groups out there available to host multiplayer formations;
IFFG: https://www.facebook.com/groups/infiniteflightfangroup/
IFCP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/InfiniteFlightLive/
Emirates Virtual airlines: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1397935973790052/
World of Flight Simulation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FSEC1/

Where is my log book?
Your logbook can be found by going to the Live tab, then pressing your name on the top right corner. Then, on the bottom left is your logbook. Bother single player and multiplayer flights are recorded onto your log book.
Can I change my callsign?
Yes. Tap on your name on the top right corner of the live tab. Then press on your current callsign and change it. You can also change your name.

Got more questions? Leave a comment below and your question will be answered, and added to the FAQ if applicable.

Descent and landing in multiplayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBtSEHyM_a0&list=UUJk7kI0hfLnnGuHdzt5SQRg 
Multiplayer snapshots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iKS7ptblEw&list=UUJk7kI0hfLnnGuHdzt5SQRg

Last but not least, enjoy Infinite Flight Live!