
Welcome to Infinite Flight tutorials. On this website, you will find detailed tutorials to master Infinite Flight, as well as many different other aviation information. This website is suitable for all aviation enthusiasts of different levels, and is updated regularly with new content. Be sure to check back soon.
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Tutorial structure guide: Our tutorials are in the following format:
1. Basic and short guide, including a detailed snapshot. A concise tutorial that gets the basic idea across, suitable for learning quickly.
2. Advanced and detailed guide. A longer and more detailed tutorial that goes more in depth, suitable for fully grasping the concepts or steps.
3. Tips and tricks. Some tutorials will conclude with tips and tricks to give some additional advice.
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Update 11/07/17
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Landing Tutorial (New)

Updated 11/07/17
Every plane goes up and needs to come down, and that is the landing. In this tutorial, you will learn how to land.

Basic/Short Guide
Make sure you are aligned with the runway, and not too high or close to the runway such that you will need to descend at too high of a rate. An easy way to check this is to align the circle of your HUD (the vector indicator, A) onto the runway and check your vertical speed (B). If your vertical speed is over -1000 (feet per minute), then you are too high or close to the runway and your landing will not be smooth. 
Set flaps to 30 degrees. Use the vector indicator to guide your plane to the runway by aligning it with the runway, maintaining a speed of around 130-140 knots (for jets). Reduce thrust to 0 when 50 feet above runway, pull up slightly and touch down.

Detailed/Advanced Guide
Image result for infinite flight HUD
Detailed labels of the HUD. Credits to Mark Denton.

From cruise altitude, descend down to 10,000 feet at a speed of 250 knots and a vertical speed of 2000-2300 feet per minute. More details on descent can be found here: http://www.infiniteflight.tk/2014/07/descent.html

Turn on:
1.Landing lights
2.Strobe lights

Descent Checklist

Rate of descent.......................1000-2000 feet per minute
Speed.....................................Below 250 KIAS
Landing lights...........................On
Seat belt sign...........................On

Upon reaching 10,000 feet, continue descending all the way down to 2000 or 3000 feet (depending on airport) at vertical speed of 1000-2000 feet per minute, at a speed of less than 240 knots.
Maintain 2000 feet until you have the runway in sight. Lower your flaps as you get closer to the airport. Set trim to 10%.

Approach Checklist
Speed...................................160-180 KIAS
Rate of descent......................1000 feet per minute
Runway..................................In sight
Flaps......................................3 (15 degrees)

Guide the plane towards the runway using the vector indicator by aligning it with the runway.
5 nautical miles from the airport, lower your landing gear and reduce speed to 130-160 knots. Make sure you have full flaps, and arm the spoilers. You are now on final approach.
At the 500 feet callout, your descent rate should be around 700 feet per minute, no more than 1000.

At 100 feet callout, slowly lower your power to 0%. On 50 callout, gently bring the nose up and touchdown. On touchdown, lower the nose gently and apply reverse thrust until 60 knots. Use breaks at 90 knots.

When the speed reaches 20 knots( Maximum taxiing speed), turn brakes off, reverse thrust off and start taxiing to the gate, close Flaps to 0, spoilers off and park at gate.

Landing Checklist
Autopilot go around altitude....Set
Trim.......................................As needed
Landing gear...........................Down
Flaps.......................................4 (30 degrees)
Rate of descent.......................500-700 feet per minute

Shutdown Checklist
Seat belt signs..........................Off
Parking break..........................Set

You have successfully landed and parked your plane!

Tips and tricks:
1. Common upon new players is that on touchdown, the plane bounces up and down, or the nose is pointing down on landing. This is usually because the plane is going too fast and/or descending too rapidly. Make sure you are around 140 knots on landing and your vertical speed is less than 800 feet per minute.
2. Practise makes perfect! Keep practising landing, and also experiment; you will get better.
3. You can use autopilot to maintain your speed. Simply tap on the SPD button and adjust the sped.
4. Watch videos of people landing.

Happy flying! If you have any questions, feel free to let us know.

How to Land Using ILS/How to Land in Low Visibility

In this tutorial, you will learn how to land when there is low visibility and you cannot see the runway. This situation may occur in Infinite Flight Live, and you must know what to do to get on the runway safely.

Note that ILS only exists in major airports.
First, I'll explain a bit about ILS.
The ILS stands for instrument landing system. Having support for ILS doesn't mean that the airplane can land by itself, it means that the airplane is equipped with a receiver that shows the position of the airplane in relation to the glideslope/localizer path to the runway.
For automated landings (or approach at least), the autopilot has to feature the APPR mode, which Infinite Flight does not feature at this time.
In Infinite Flight, the ILS frequencies are automatically tuned to the nearest airport, so you don't need to worry about that.

The ILS in Infinite Flight is located on the bottom centre (left right ILS) and on the right centre. (Up down ILS). It is circled and highlighted in the picture above.
  • For the verticle ILS: if the arrow is pointed above the centre, you are too high. If the arrow is pointed below the centre, you are too low.

  • For the directional ILS: if the line is to the left of the centre-line, you are to the left of the runway, and vice versa.

Now I will explain how to use ILS to land in low visibility.
  1. As per usual, use your flight plan to guide you approximately to the runway. You should be at around 2000-3000 feet 7 nautical miles away from the runway.
  2. Continue towards the runway until the ILS shows up. Verify the ILS is for the right runway.
  3. Now, use the ILS to figure out where you are in relation to the runway. Adjust your position accordingly. If you are too far to the left, turn right a couple degrees. If you are too high, increase your descent slightly.
  4. When you are less than 1 mile away from the runway, the vertical ILS should be disregarded. Continue to land.

  • Near the end of the landing, the vertical ILS will go up or down dramatically. This should be disregarded
  • This technique takes a lot of practice and is not easy. You can practice in solo by doing a full flight with low visibility.
Further resources:
If you are still a bit unsure, you can watch this video and watch how it is done.