Aircraft: Boeing 777

Boeing 777 at Parking
General Information
The Boeing 777 is a long range, widebody aircraft. It can seat up to 415 passengers, and is one of the most safest and efficient aircraft in the air. The Boeing 777 has a full glass cockpit, and has an integrated fly-by wire system on the yoke. 

The Boeing 777 has many variants. The current variants are:
  • 777-200
  • 777-200ER (extended range)
  • 777-200LR (long range)
  • 777-300
  • 777-300ER
  • 777F
  • 777-8X
  • 777-9X
Information for Infinite Flight
Flaps setting for takeoff: 15 degrees
Flaps setting for landing: 30 degrees
Optimal landing speed (50% weight): 130-140 knots
Aircraft vR speed (50% weight): 137 knots
Cruise speed: mach0.8
Flaps 5: 170 knots
Flaps 1: 200 knots
Flaps 0: 220 knots

Liveries in Infinite Flight
Many real world liveries for the Boeing 777 is featured in Infinite Flight.
Boeing 777-200ER
  1. Generic
  2. KLM
  3. Alitalia
  4. Delta
  5. Aeromexico
  6. Air France
  7. ANA
  8. British Airways
  9. Japan Airlines
  10. Thai Airways
Boeing 777-200F
  1. Generic
  2. Southern AIr
  3. FedEx
  4. AeroLogic
  5. TNT
  6. Emirates Cargo
  7. China Southern Cargo
  8. Qatar Cargo
  9. Etihad Cargo
  10. China Eastern Airlines Cargo
  11. Lan Cargo
Boeing 777-300ER
  1. Generic
  2. Air Canada
  3. Air New Zealand
  4. American Airlines
  5. Aeroflot
  6. Cathay Pacific
  7. Emirates
  8. Etihad
  9. Garuda
  10. Qatar
  11. Singapore

The Boeing 777 is available as an in app purchase in Infinite Flight for $6.49

~Michael Chen
Site administrator and designer, captain at Emirates Virtual Airlines.

How to Execute Go Around (Missed Approach)

So, your landing is going badly, and you don't want to continue?  Then you should execute a go around. In this tutorial, I will show you how. 

Apply TO/GA power (usually 100% throttle), and retract flaps to flaps 2. (10-15 degrees). Pull up gently and start climbing. Upon a positive rate of climb, retract the landing gear. 

Continue climbing to 6000 feet, then perform a 180 degrees turn, and realign with the runway. Now continue with the landing. In some cases, it is required to circle around the airport to land on the same runway and angle. Make sure your bank dont exceed 30 degrees.

Go around checklist

Landing gear.......retracted
Landing briefing..confirmed

~Michael Chen
Site administrator, captain at Emirates Virtual Airlines

Crosswind TakeOff

This is the crosswind take off tutorial. In this part you will learn how to make a crosswind take-off even in the hardest ones.

Step 1:
Align on the runway. Open flaps 15 (Depends on aircraft and length of the runway), Strobe lights and landing lights on.

Step 2:
Check the direction of the wind. 

Now There are 3 types main of wind blowing:
• Wind coming from the front to the back of the aircraft. In this one, you should open flaps more and increase the speed so that you can take-off. 

• Wind coming from the back to the front of the aircraft. Here you should open flaps 1, and increase speed to N1= 90% and pull nose slowly up. 

• Wind coming from Left or Right of the aircraft. Now this is the difficult one! :p
But all you need to do is, flaps normal and speed increased normally. When you reach V1, Slowly apply the rudder against the wind  and when you pull up the nose, apply the rudder against the wind and keep going straight from the runway till you reach 3000Ft. Slowly and gently release rudder.

Crosswind Landing:

This is the difficult part, but we will help you to perform that. This takes a lot of practice. :)
First of all, you must create a crosswind. Go into weather settings, and turn up the wind velocity.

Step 1:
When you have made your descent from 35,000ft to 10,000 Ft, Landing lights and strobe lights are on, continue to descent to 4000 Ft and maintain below 240Knots.

Step 2: 
At 4000 Ft, Flaps 1... Turn towards runway, at a speed of 200 knots. Maintain 3000 feet until runway is in sight. 
Slow down to 160 knots once you are about 7 nm away from airport. 5nm away from airport, gear down. You should follow the ILS (the circle) and make it align with the runway. Use the small circle in the centre, which estimates your path, and make it align with teh runway.

Step 3: 
At 50 feet, use the rudder against the wind, pull the nose up, reduce speed. On touchdown, hold the rudder, then slowly release it and align yourself with the runway centreline.

Step 4:
Apply reverse thrust, push slowly nose down, spoilers should be armed and flaps Full. When you reach 60 Knots, brakes On and Lose speed from 60 to 20 knots!

Step 5:

Go taxiing at 20 Knots and park plane at gate! 

This is how to make a crosswind landing!

Take Off Tutorial

A Boeing 777 taking off from YSSY

In this tutorial, we will show you how to pushback, line at the runway and finally leave the ground and climb to 10,000 Feet.
Basic/Short Guide
Hold on pages and slide to systems, and press on pushback. Once at a point where you can taxi, using the rudder, steer your aircraft to and onto the runway. Turn flaps to 15 degrees. Slowly turn up the throttle up to 90% while lining up with the runway, and at 140 knots, pull up gently to 15 degrees, climbing at 3000 feet per minute).

Detailed Step by Step Guide
Step 1:
Select a parking position in an airport. Once it is loaded, hold on 'pages' and slide to 'systems', Beacon lights On.

Step 2:
Press on pushback. Using the rudder, turn to a point where you can taxi to the runway. Then stop the pushback, Brakes On.

Step 3:
Release the breaks, and put on 20% power, maximum taxi speed 20 knots. Now, taxi to the runway of your choice. You have now completed pushback, and taxi, and is ready for take off.

Step 4:
When you are at the runway, Open Flaps 15 (depending on your aircraft)

Step 5:
Throttle up slowly, and gently, until the 'N1' (on top of the throttles) goes up to 90%. At your aircrafts vR (rotation/take off speed. Varies between aircrafts, usually 145 knots):

Step 6:
Gently pull up on the yoke, and pitch up to 15 degrees, climbing at 3000 feet per minite.

Step 7:
At 4000 feet, you can activate the autopilot. And keep Climbing till you reach 10,000Ft and then Landing Lights, Strobe Lights and seatbelt Sign Off.

Tips and Tricks
If you find your aircraft drifting when taking off, this is probably due to a crosswind. You can find our crosswind take off tutorial here:
Make sure to keep an eye on your vertical speed to make sure you are not climbing too steeply, which can result in a stall. If you find you are climbing too fast, ie. vertical speed of 5000 ft/min, then you can should push forwards.
Also keep an eye on your airspeed, exceeding the 250 knots speed limit (under 10,000ft) is surprisingly easy. If you find you are overspeeding, then lower your throttle or pull up to increase your rate of climb.

Happy flights!

An airbus A330 pushing back

Landing Tutorial:

Every plane goes up and needs to come down and that's the landing.. In this we will show you how to descend from 10,000 Ft to 3000 Ft and then touch the ground:

Step 1:
When you have made your descent to 10,000 Ft,
Turn on;
1. Landing Lights
2. Strobe lights. 
And use the Autopilot VS (Vertical Speed) to descend with a VS of 1200-2000 depending on aircraft to 3000 feet.(for most airports)

Step 2:
When you have reached 5000 Ft, VS should be 1000 and turn Flaps 1(2 or 5 degrees depending aircraft) with speed below 240 Knots. Maintain 3000 feet until runway in sight.
5 nautical miles away from the airport, put the gear down. Confirm landing, and decrease speed to 160 knots and flaps full. Now arm the spoilers.

Step 3:
When you hear 50ft callout, slowly pull the nose up and decrease speed.

Step 4:
When touch, gently push the nose down and apply reverse thrust and spoilers will automatically deploy brakes On. Stop reverse thrusts at 60 knots.

Step 5:
When the speed reaches 20 knots( Maximum taxiing speed), brakes Off, reverse thrust Off and start taxiing to the gate, close Flaps to 0, spoilers Off and park at gate.  

You have successfully land and park your plane. :D