Crosswind TakeOff

This is the crosswind take off tutorial. In this part you will learn how to make a crosswind take-off even in the hardest ones.

Step 1:
Align on the runway. Open flaps 15 (Depends on aircraft and length of the runway), Strobe lights and landing lights on.

Step 2:
Check the direction of the wind. 

Now There are 3 types main of wind blowing:
• Wind coming from the front to the back of the aircraft. In this one, you should open flaps more and increase the speed so that you can take-off. 

• Wind coming from the back to the front of the aircraft. Here you should open flaps 1, and increase speed to N1= 90% and pull nose slowly up. 

• Wind coming from Left or Right of the aircraft. Now this is the difficult one! :p
But all you need to do is, flaps normal and speed increased normally. When you reach V1, Slowly apply the rudder against the wind  and when you pull up the nose, apply the rudder against the wind and keep going straight from the runway till you reach 3000Ft. Slowly and gently release rudder.


  1. When i apply the rudder the aircraft starts to tilt and turn.
    What am I doing wrong?

    1. You are applying rudder too early. Try taking off in a crosswind without rudder. You will find that the plane will drift. Only when the plane starts drifting do you apply rudder. Hope this helped.


  2. I have a problem. Everytime i try to take off (with the wind hitting the side of my aircraft ) my aircraft starts sliding in the OPPOSITE direction of the wind. Help

  3. I have a problem. Everytime i try to take off (with the wind hitting the side of my aircraft ) my aircraft starts sliding in the OPPOSITE direction of the wind. Help
