Autopilot Tutorial

To the left is the autopilot in Infinite Flight: the five buttons of SPD (speed), HDG (heading), ALT (altitude), VS (vertical speed) and A/P (autopilot).

The main use of the autopilot is when manual control is not needed, the autopilot controls the aircraft automatically based on the settings inputted.

Speed, or  Autothrottle
This aspect of the autopilot controls the speed. This mode will try its best to reach the airspeed, if there isn't enough power available, the airspeed might not ever be reached.

This aspect of the autopilot controls the heading of the aircraft. If you turn it on and inputted a different heading than your current one, it will turn your aircraft for you. You can check your heading on the bottom bar, next to messages, in a format of xxx°

This aspect of the autopilot does not do anything if you don't input anything into the vertical speed. Entering a number into altitude makes sure that your aircraft would stop descending or climbing once it reaches the aim. When first turned on, the ALT mode immediately tries to maintain the current altitude, this can cause control issues if the airplane is climbing or descending too rapidly. Make sure you set the ALT mode when the airplane climb rate is less than 500ft/min.

Vertical Speed
This aspect of the autopilot controls the rate of your climb or descent. Note that this mode may sometimes result in sudden input, resulting in a loss of control, or even a stall. This mode tries its best to reach the climb rate you inputted, but may make the aircraft stall if your speed is too low or the climb rate is too great. In this case, you should disengage the autopilot immediately.
How to recover from stall:

  • You can engage only one aspect of the autopilot by just pressing either SPD, HDG, or VS.
  • If you press the A/P button when the autopilot is off, the autopilot input is automatically set to your current state.
  • Effective use of the autopilot is shown here:
  • The autopilot may put the aircraft into an out of control state. In this case, the autopilot should be disengaged immediately.
  • As there is no autopilot ILS system yet, it is not recommended to land with the autopilot. The speed autopilot can be on however.

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