Flight Planning

A flight plan from YSSY to YSRI (Sydney to Richmond)
Flight planning is a simple yet compulsory piece of information you need to know. It is necessary to complete full flights.In this tutorial, I will tell you how to make a flight plan.

  1. Start up a flight, and switch to the page "map".
  2. On the bottom right corner, press the button until it changes to 'MAP FPL"
  3. Zoom in to your current aircraft location. You will notice some triangles. These triangles are called 'waypoints' and they are legs for a flight plan. Press on your current airport, and press 'Add to FPL' (flight plan). In some cases, it would be more accurate to press on the triangle your aircraft is on, and add that to your flight plan instead of your starting airport.
  4. Decide an arrival airport. Make sure it is suited for your aircraft.
  5. Now, from your current location, add waypoints to your arrival airport. Make sure the airport is your last flight plan item.
  • Make sure each turn is not too steep. 45 degrees is the maximum.
  • Keep in mind when in high altitude, your turns will be slower.
  • Make sure you are well alligned with the arrival runway not too late.
  • On your bottom information bar, there would be many information displayed. The last item is 'BRG' (bearing), and this typically instructs on which heading your aircraft should be at.
  • The autopilot does not follow your flight plan. You will need to adjust the heading yourself on the autopilot panel.
  • Make sure to check the map often, and be sure you are on the right flight path. You should start descending the aircraft halfway throughout your flight, at a verticle speed of up to 2400feet/min.
Any questions, make sure to leave a comment and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Post by: Michael Chen


  1. How do I know how far is the starting point of our arrival point? It's given me the distance and time of each flight segment from one point to another ... It is necessary that the last flight leg is the longest so we have time to get off?

    1. Bonjour, how far away does not matter. The flight planner should provide information on distances. The last turn into the destination should be at least 10 nm to prepare for landing. Merci

  2. Hi..I would like to know the whats the red approach lines and white approach lines?thanks

    1. As far as I know, those lines guide you in for landing. However, I haven't played much of the new version due to being really busy with exams. I will keep you updated when I play the new IF version later.

  3. How can i know howmuch i need to desent?
