Autopilot Tutorial

To the left is the autopilot in Infinite Flight: the five buttons of SPD (speed), HDG (heading), ALT (altitude), VS (vertical speed) and A/P (autopilot).

The main use of the autopilot is when manual control is not needed, the autopilot controls the aircraft automatically based on the settings inputted.

Speed, or  Autothrottle
This aspect of the autopilot controls the speed. This mode will try its best to reach the airspeed, if there isn't enough power available, the airspeed might not ever be reached.

This aspect of the autopilot controls the heading of the aircraft. If you turn it on and inputted a different heading than your current one, it will turn your aircraft for you. You can check your heading on the bottom bar, next to messages, in a format of xxx°

This aspect of the autopilot does not do anything if you don't input anything into the vertical speed. Entering a number into altitude makes sure that your aircraft would stop descending or climbing once it reaches the aim. When first turned on, the ALT mode immediately tries to maintain the current altitude, this can cause control issues if the airplane is climbing or descending too rapidly. Make sure you set the ALT mode when the airplane climb rate is less than 500ft/min.

Vertical Speed
This aspect of the autopilot controls the rate of your climb or descent. Note that this mode may sometimes result in sudden input, resulting in a loss of control, or even a stall. This mode tries its best to reach the climb rate you inputted, but may make the aircraft stall if your speed is too low or the climb rate is too great. In this case, you should disengage the autopilot immediately.
How to recover from stall:

  • You can engage only one aspect of the autopilot by just pressing either SPD, HDG, or VS.
  • If you press the A/P button when the autopilot is off, the autopilot input is automatically set to your current state.
  • Effective use of the autopilot is shown here:
  • The autopilot may put the aircraft into an out of control state. In this case, the autopilot should be disengaged immediately.
  • As there is no autopilot ILS system yet, it is not recommended to land with the autopilot. The speed autopilot can be on however.

The Year It Was: 2014

First of all, have a nice holiday! The long break is finally here and it is time to relax. Both me, and Vish wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.
Now that the year is almost over, it is time to review the year, noting the major events.

2014 was quite a bad year for the aviation industry.
The major events include: the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines 370, and the shooting of MH17. With this, the aviation industry may have taken a hit, especially Malaysia Airlines. But both of these incidents weren't their fault.

Looking on to the bright side now.
The release of the A350!A environmentally friendly wide body jet, similar to the Boeing 787.
Infinite Flight has improved drastically in this year. If you look at the 2013 Infinite Flight and the current Infinite Flight: better graphics, better interface, MULTIPLAYER, more planes and much more. Let's hope that 2015 will bring even more improvements to Infinite Flight.

The Infinite Flight Tutorials website launched in May, created to help all aviation enthusiasts. We now receive over 500 pageviews a day. Thank you for your support.

Here's what we are working on:
-Website design
-More content
-Improving content
We have already changed the design a bit, please let us know what you think. It's your opinions that shape our website.

This concludes the 2014 review. Leave in the comments below your thoughts. What have you accomplished this year? I remember at the start of the year been a complete noob in flight, landing at 400 knots.

Flight Planning

A flight plan from YSSY to YSRI (Sydney to Richmond)
Flight planning is a simple yet compulsory piece of information you need to know. It is necessary to complete full flights.In this tutorial, I will tell you how to make a flight plan.

  1. Start up a flight, and switch to the page "map".
  2. On the bottom right corner, press the button until it changes to 'MAP FPL"
  3. Zoom in to your current aircraft location. You will notice some triangles. These triangles are called 'waypoints' and they are legs for a flight plan. Press on your current airport, and press 'Add to FPL' (flight plan). In some cases, it would be more accurate to press on the triangle your aircraft is on, and add that to your flight plan instead of your starting airport.
  4. Decide an arrival airport. Make sure it is suited for your aircraft.
  5. Now, from your current location, add waypoints to your arrival airport. Make sure the airport is your last flight plan item.
  • Make sure each turn is not too steep. 45 degrees is the maximum.
  • Keep in mind when in high altitude, your turns will be slower.
  • Make sure you are well alligned with the arrival runway not too late.
  • On your bottom information bar, there would be many information displayed. The last item is 'BRG' (bearing), and this typically instructs on which heading your aircraft should be at.
  • The autopilot does not follow your flight plan. You will need to adjust the heading yourself on the autopilot panel.
  • Make sure to check the map often, and be sure you are on the right flight path. You should start descending the aircraft halfway throughout your flight, at a verticle speed of up to 2400feet/min.
Any questions, make sure to leave a comment and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Post by: Michael Chen

Boeing 747


General information
Often referred to as the queen of the skies, the Boeing 747 is the second largest commercial jetliner after the A380. Its iconic "hump" upper deck along the forward part of the aircraft make it among the world's most recognizable aircraft and was the first wide-body produced.

The current variants of the 747 are:
747 LCF Dreamlifter

Information for Infinite Flight
Flaps setting for takeoff: 10 degrees
Flaps setting for landing: 30 degrees
Optimal landing speed (normal weight): 140-160 knots
Aircraft vR speed (normal weight): 152 knots
Cruise speed: mach 0.85
Flaps 5: 170 knots
Flaps 1: 200 knots
Flaps 0: 220 knots

Liveries in Infinite Flight
Boeing 747 VC-25: Air Force One
Boeing 747-200:
  • Generic
  • Air Canada
  • Alitalia
  • Iberia
  • Iran Air
  • Japan Airlines
  • Northwest airlines
  • Olympic
  • Pakistan airlines
  • PAN AM
  • SAS
  • South African Airways
  • KLM
  • Air Portugal
Boeing 747-400
  • Generic
  • Air France
  • KLM
  • Lufthansa
  • British airways
  • Cathay Pacific
  • Qantas
  • United Airlines
  • Thai Airways
  • Delta Airlines
  • China Airlines
  • Malaysia Airlines
  • Air India
Boeing 747-8
  • Generic
  • Air Bridge Cargo
  • Air China
  • BBJ
  • Boeing
  • Boeing Freight
  • Cargolux
  • Korean
  • Lufthansa
  • Nippon Cargo
  • Transaero
Boeing 747 SOFIA: SOFIA
Boeing 747 SCA: Shuttle Carrier

The Boeing 747-400 is available for free, with other variants available for purchase.

What's Coming Up and the Boeing 777/A330

Every week from now, I will be writing a newsletter.

Flying development studio's next major update-what will it have? That is a frequently pondered question. The developers of Infinite Flight's current big project is bringing the queen of the skies, the Boeing 747 into the game. It will contain many variants, even ranging to a 747 with a space shuttle. There will be a full virtual cockpit, as well as animated functions. The updated 747 will most likely be a free DLC.
The developers also added some more ATC functionality for multiplayer.
Here are some photos:

More pictures at

Up to our next topic.
I have put up a poll a month back, asking what is your favourite aircraft. Here are the results:
Boeing 737/Airbus A320
12 (24%)
Airbus A380/Boeing 747
15 (30%)
Airbus A330, A340/Boeing 777,767
19 (38%)
Airbus A350/Boeing 787
1 (2%)
DC9/ MD11/727
1 (2%)
Turboprops (cesnna172,208 etc)
2 (4%)
Other aircraft
0 (0%)

The Boeing 777/A330 was the winner of the poll (38%) with the A380 and 747 not trailing far behind. The 737 and A320 is next. Only one person voted for A350/Boeing 787.

It is obvious that most of us aviation enthusiasts prefer passenger jets. 
It can also to be said that a lot of people like the 777/A330, and I can totally understand why. These two aircrafts are easy to control, have a neat cockpit, and are both very good looking aircraft. The 777 and A330 is my personal favourite: it really is that bit easier to fly.
People probably also voted for 747/A380 because they're very big aircrafts.
Some people vote for the 737/A320 because of its cockpit layout, style of flying or the size.

Let me just say, that the A350 and 787 are the future of passenger jets. Today's focus are environmentally friendly aircraft. Those two aircrafts focuses on minimal fuel usage, and minimal environmental impact, while also having the characteristics of the 777 and A330.
Fuel will get more and more expensive, and using our remaining fuel efficiently is important.

This concludes this week's newsletter. In general, I discussed what's coming in the next update, preferred aircraft, and the future of aviation.
Currently, I am working on editing posts to make them more informative and understandable. The ones on my lists are:
landing tutorial
take off tutorial
And pretty much all of the posts made during the first days of our website.

Thanks for reading Infinite Flight Tutorials, if you like the content, be sure to +1 on google plus so more can view our content. Any questions can be left on the comments section. Happy flying!

Full Flight Tutorial

 Multiplayer guide:

A full flight is when you take off from one airport, and land at another. This is vital for Infinite Flight multiplayer. This tutorial is designed for multiplayer help, but can also be used for single player. Most information here is relevant for jets.

Decide your destination airport. Make sure it is a suitable airport; you have enough standing to go there, and it is big enough for your aircraft. Then, create a flight plan to that airport.
Flight plan tutorial:

Now you are ready to taxi. Inform ATC unicom. In your settings, make sure you have auto tiller off (turn on the ground by tilting your device. This is not recommended) . Set flaps to 10-15. (depending on aircraft type) Then pushback, using the rudder to steer. Try to follow the taxi lines, and taxi to and hold short of your takeoff runway. If you don't know what runway it is, go to your map and zoom in to see the runway number.

Taxi Checklist
No smoking..........................On
Strobe lights..........................On
Flight controls........................Checked

Take Off
Now that you are holding short, you are ready for take off. Inform ATC. Make sure no aircrafts are going to land on your runway. Then, go through the before take off checklist.

Before Take-off Checklist
Nav lights.............................On
Beacon lights........................On
Landing lights........................On
Autopilot settings...................Set
Take off trim.........................10%
Seat belt sign.........................On

Taxi on to the runway. Once alligned, apply 90% power for take off. On your take off speed, gently lift off. On positive climb, gear up.
For jets: 180 knots: flaps 5  200 knots: flaps 1   220 knots: flaps up

After Take-off Checklist to the Line
Pitch.....................................__ degrees
Landing gear.........................Up

Crosswind takeoff:

In Flight
Follow the flight plan by entering in the heading (bottom right of the information bar, next to BRG) into the autopilot panel. The altitude depends on your flight, but you should descend halfway throughout your flight.

After Take-off Checklist Below the Line
Pitch.....................................5-10 degrees
Seat belt sign........................Off
Landing lights.......................Off
Strobe lights.........................Off

Halfway throught your flight, descend to 2000 feet (for most flights) and a rate of 2000feet/min. When you are relatively close to your destination, inform ATC that you are inbound for landing. Maintain 2000 feet until you have the runway in sight.

Detailed guide:

Descent Checklist
Rate of descent.......................1000-2000 feet per minute
Speed.....................................Below 250 KIAS
Landing lights...........................On
Seat belt sign...........................On
Landing briefing.......................Confirmed

Landing tutorial:
Crosswind landing tutorial:
Make sure you inform ATC that you are on final.

Approach Checklist
Speed...................................160-180 KIAS
Rate of descent......................1000 feet per minute
Runway..................................In sight
Flaps......................................3 (15 degrees)

Landing Checklist
Autopilot go around altitude....Set
Trim.......................................As needed
Landing gear...........................Down
Flaps.......................................4 (30 degrees)
Rate of descent.......................500-700 feet per minute

Touchdown Checklist
Thrust reversers.......................On
At 60 knots..............................Thrust reversers off, spoilers up

If your landing is going badly and you need to go around:

Post Flight
Taxi off the runway, do not exceed 35 knots. Inform ATC you are clear of all runways. Taxi to a terminal and then parking spot.

Shutdown Checklist
Seat belt signs..........................Off
Parking break..........................Set

Afterwards, you can end flight. Congratuslations, you have complted a full flight! If you find this tutorial helpful, please share and +1 so more people can visit this website.


Infinite Flight Live

The highly anticipated multiplayer update has finally arrived. This is a paid option, and you can buy multiplayer for a month for $4.99 US and $49.99 for yearly subscription, along with the unlocking of all aircrafts. This may seem intimidating, but it is well worth it.

The System
Infinite Flight Live uses a XP based system. XP can be raised through flight hours, or landings. Your XP determines your standing, which gives you access to airports and cuts out airspace violations. Your XP and standing can go down, by violations, which will be discussed later in this post.
People with a red name tag means they are complete nubs and don't fly properly. You can get a red name tag if you keep doing violations. People with yellow name tags mean they have a standing of less than 50%, which is the starting standing count. People with a white name tag has a standing from 50% to 99%. People with green name tags all have a standing of 100%.
Note: If you have a standing of more than 90%, it gives you access to advanced servers, which appears from time to time.

Server Selections
By default, you are selected to join a random server. You can view the servers by pressing the server list. You can switch servers by pressing on a server and pressing select server. This is very important if you want to do a formation flight.

Violations causes your standing to go down. The following can cause violations:
  • Taxiing too fast. Do not taxi faster than 35 knots ground speed. (found in the HUD)
  • Using an aircraft too big in an airport
  • Crashing
  • Overspeeding. Do not exceed 250 knots under 10,000 feet.
  • Doing aerobatics in vicinity of an airport.
  • Airspace violations
The more your standing go down, the less airports you have access to.

How to raise standings fast
The best way of doing this is by doing touch and goes. Hop in a Cessna 208 (or 172) and take off from one airport to another. Upon landing, take off immediately then circle around to land again. By doing this, you are earning XP and raising your standing. Smooth landings give more XP than rough landings. Make sure you do no violations.

Formation Flights
Formation flights is when you fly with another person (or people), with both your aircrafts being close. To do formation flights, arrange a meet up in an airport and server. Also state the cruising altitude, speed and arrival airport. You can copy flight plans, by going to the FPL+INFO page and tapping on the other's aircraft. Then press Copy FPL.
There are many facebook groups out there available to host multiplayer formations;
Emirates Virtual airlines:
World of Flight Simulation:

Where is my log book?
Your logbook can be found by going to the Live tab, then pressing your name on the top right corner. Then, on the bottom left is your logbook. Bother single player and multiplayer flights are recorded onto your log book.
Can I change my callsign?
Yes. Tap on your name on the top right corner of the live tab. Then press on your current callsign and change it. You can also change your name.

Got more questions? Leave a comment below and your question will be answered, and added to the FAQ if applicable.

Descent and landing in multiplayer: 
Multiplayer snapshots:

Last but not least, enjoy Infinite Flight Live!


Do you guys have any suggestions or questions? If so, leave a comment down below and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
Suggestions will be considered to be added as a post.
Thank you for viewing Infinite Flight tutorials.


Holden Riley has left a very informative comment about descending! Thank you very much, Riley, for sharing.

For planning your descent, there are two simple equations that you can use to get you almost all the way there and work every time if you do the calculations right. You can usually use the cruising period to do them and it is really helpful to have a pencil and paper, and maybe a calculator if necessary.

1. Rate of descent or VS: Take your GS, the speed that you are going while you are cruising, and multiply it by five. If you cruise at 360 kts, your VS should be 1,800 fpm and if you cruise at 150 kts, your VS should be at 750 fpm.
(If you're flying an airliner, your VS should be lowered to 1,000 fpm once you are below 5,000 feet and then adjusted accordingly until it's around 600-700 for the glide slope on final approach.)

2. Distance of descent start. It's important to figure out how far away from the airport you have to be when you begin your descent, that way you don't over shoot the airport and have to go around. To calculate the distance needed is easy, you just take your cruise altitude, divide it by 1,000 and multiply by 3. If you cruise at 30,000 feet, then 30,000/1,000= 30, and 30x3=90, you begin your descent when you are 90 miles from the airport. 20,000 is 60 miles, 15,000 is 45, and 10,000 is 30. (The part that you might need a calculator for is looking at your flight plan counting the miles and figuring out where that point is, so you can begin your descent at the right place. That part also takes the longest time to calculate so make sure you have enough time to do it. It would also be smart to write down so you won't forget it.)

A perfect approach is difficult to achieve but this will certainly help you out.

Also in a descent and approach, these are the specific Airline based guidelines followed by professional pilots around the world:
10,000 ft: landing lights, strobe lights, and nav lights on. Flaps retracted. Airspeed between 200 and 250 kts.
8,000 ft: Flaps between 1 and 5 degrees.
5,000 ft: Flaps between 10 and 20 degrees. Airspeed between 190 and 225 kts. 1,000 fpm VS.
2,500 ft: Flaps between 20 and 26 degrees. Airspeed between 185 and 195 kts.
When you are five miles out, gear should be down, flaps should be fully extended, and spoilers should be armed.
On the glide slope: (if you have the visual boxes for help on final approach, that is where the glide slope starts.) Depending on your weight and weather conditions, you should be going between 145 and 165 kts. Trim should be as required. The autopilot should be disengaged except for heading, unless you have crosswind, then the whole thing should be off. Autopilot should have these settings but should not be armed; SPD 200, HDG (between 0 and 359), ALT 6,000, VS 2500. If all goes well you wont need any of those settings. The thrust levers should be manually holding you at your approach speed, but when the call out computer announces that you are at 20 feet, you should bring them back to idle (0%) and flare. Wait until the nose gear is on the ground before adjusting to the center line, and applying reverse thrust. At 60 kts, reduce thrust to 50% and wait for the auto shutoff. DO NOT USE BRAKES, those are for parking only.

Taxiing: Use the rudders to turn, never use engine power to taxi unless you are heading against wind and the plane will not budge or is having trouble turning. Remember, 25 knots to drive, 10 knots to turn.

WARNING: Autopilot should never be used to slow the plane down by more than 10 kts. Bring the thrust levers down to 20% to 25% with the auto-throttle off and put spoilers in flight mode if you have to. Then rearm the auto-throttle when you are at your speed. Make only small adjustments and make sure the spoilers are closed when the auto-throttle is in use.

ATC Tutorial

Infinite Flight uses a Unicom ATC system, where there is no air traffic controller but aircrafts announcing there positions. To work the system, there is an atc button, which pops up with many options to send to your current frequency.
Most of this are mainly straight forward, like taxiing and taking off. Which runway are you on? There are two ways of finding out. You can zoom very in on the map and the runway number would show up, or you can look at the start of the runway, which shows the runway number also (you must turn on runway numbers in settings).
When sending a transmission, make sure you are tuned on the right frequency.
Taking off transmission options: Remaining in the pattern, north south east west, straight out.
What does remaining in the pattern mean?
It means that you will fly in the traffic pattern, which I don't see exist in Infinite Flight Live. So I would choose the other options,
Reporting position:
Final, left base, left downwind etc
Final means you are on your final approach and is about to land on a runway in the airport. This advises other aircraft to hold short and wait for you to land.
Left base, left downind etc.: Using these transmissions aren't very helpful in multiplayer. I would not use these transmissions.
Announce inbound: This means you are going to approach the airport. Tapping this option gives runway numbers. Tap on the runway you would land on. This transmission gives other aircraft your position, and allows them to determine whether to take off or hold short.
Request traffic advisories: This means you are going to approach the airport for landing, and would like to see which runways are being used.
Send traffic advisories: This tells the other inbound aircrafts which runway you are using.
Go around: This means you have missed your approach and will take off for another shot. It gives other aircrafts opportunity to take off or land.
People usually use the ATC effectively, but that could be said otherwise at the airport KHAF.

Enjoy multiplayer! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.


First, you need to know the radio-alphabet and numbers.

A lpha                          1 one
B ravo                          2 two
C harlie                         3 tree
D elta                           4 four
E cho                            5 five
F oxtrot                        6 six
G olf                             7 seven
H otel                           8 eight
I ndia                             9 niner
J uliet .
K ilo
L ima
M ike
N ovember
O scar
P apa
Q uebec
R omeo
S ierra
T ango
U niform
V ictor
W hisky
X ray
Y ankee
Z ulu

118.80 One-one-eight decimal eight-zero

All aircrafts has its own callsign. It is usually in a form of: Company name, flight number.
For example, Emirates 14 Heavy, Delta 19

The Basic Form of a Transmission
Who you are sending the transmission to, who you are, and message
Eg. Sydney Tower, United 170, ready for departure, holding short of runway 16L.

Requesting Clearance
Using the basic form of a transmission, here is the messages you say to request clearance for taxi, takeoff, and landing.
Taxi: Request taxi
Eg. Emirates 19, requesting taxi to runway ___.
Departure: Ready for departure, holding short of runway.
Eg. Emirates 19, ready for departure, holding short of runway 16 right.
Takeoff: Ready for takeoff
Eg. Emirates 19, ready for takeoff on runway 16 right.
Landing: Request clearance to land on runway ___.
Eg. Emirates 19, requesting clearance to land on runway 14 left.

Flight Level
Instead of saying 35 thousand feet, the term flight level is used instead. One flight level is 100 feet. So 35000 feet is flight level 350.
Eg. Emirates 1 Super, climbing through flight level 50, going for cruise altitude flight level 100.

Replying to transmissions
It is necessary to repeat the transmission sent by ATC to acknowledge that you received their transmission and understood it properly. 
For example, ATC says: Emirates 19, climb and maintain flight level niner thousand.
You would reply: Climb and maintain flight level niner thousand, emirates one niner.

Name of airports
Instead of saying, for example, YSSY, you would say: Yankee, sierra, sierra, yankee.

I think I have covered most of the stuff for ATC. If you have any questions, or info to add to this, please leave a comment down below.

Stall Recovery

An aircraft in a deep stall.
A stall is when you lose too much speed, or your angle of attack is too high and you start falling out of a sky. A way to recognize you are stalling is when you nose is up, but you are descending dangerously fast. Usually, a stall alarm would sound. Causes of stalls include: nose angle too high, speed too low.
In this tutorial, I will tell you how to recover from a stall.

Smaller Aircrafts
(Cessna, cirrus, F-14)

  1. First, before we do the recovery procedures, we must do a few checks. Make sure the autopilot is off. Make sure your flaps are up, and your gear is up. This is to make sure there is no drag when in the process of recovering.
  2. Push forwards, and point your nose down to a 15 degrees position. Apply full power, and apply full right rudder. This is to lower your rate of descent. 
  3. Once your speed is up to a safe level, slowly pull up and level off.
Larger Aircrafts
(Boeing, airbus, CRJ, Embraer)
  1. First, make sure that your gear is up, your flaps are up, and your speedbrakes (spoilers) are down. This is to make sure the aircraft is as streamline as possible, and no drag is present to interfere with our recovery procedures. Also make sure the autopilot is fully disengaged.
  2. Push forwards, and point your nose down to a 10 degree position. Apply full power. Use full right rudder if necessary.
  3. Once your speed is up to a safe level, slowly pull up and level off.
Stall Checklist
Autopilot: OFF
Flaps: UP
Gear: UP
Speedbrakes: RETRACTED
Trim: OFF

After Stall Checklist
Flight Plan: SET

~Michael Chen
Site administrator and designer, captain at Emirates Virtual Airlines

Aircraft: Boeing 777

Boeing 777 at Parking
General Information
The Boeing 777 is a long range, widebody aircraft. It can seat up to 415 passengers, and is one of the most safest and efficient aircraft in the air. The Boeing 777 has a full glass cockpit, and has an integrated fly-by wire system on the yoke. 

The Boeing 777 has many variants. The current variants are:
  • 777-200
  • 777-200ER (extended range)
  • 777-200LR (long range)
  • 777-300
  • 777-300ER
  • 777F
  • 777-8X
  • 777-9X
Information for Infinite Flight
Flaps setting for takeoff: 15 degrees
Flaps setting for landing: 30 degrees
Optimal landing speed (50% weight): 130-140 knots
Aircraft vR speed (50% weight): 137 knots
Cruise speed: mach0.8
Flaps 5: 170 knots
Flaps 1: 200 knots
Flaps 0: 220 knots

Liveries in Infinite Flight
Many real world liveries for the Boeing 777 is featured in Infinite Flight.
Boeing 777-200ER
  1. Generic
  2. KLM
  3. Alitalia
  4. Delta
  5. Aeromexico
  6. Air France
  7. ANA
  8. British Airways
  9. Japan Airlines
  10. Thai Airways
Boeing 777-200F
  1. Generic
  2. Southern AIr
  3. FedEx
  4. AeroLogic
  5. TNT
  6. Emirates Cargo
  7. China Southern Cargo
  8. Qatar Cargo
  9. Etihad Cargo
  10. China Eastern Airlines Cargo
  11. Lan Cargo
Boeing 777-300ER
  1. Generic
  2. Air Canada
  3. Air New Zealand
  4. American Airlines
  5. Aeroflot
  6. Cathay Pacific
  7. Emirates
  8. Etihad
  9. Garuda
  10. Qatar
  11. Singapore

The Boeing 777 is available as an in app purchase in Infinite Flight for $6.49

~Michael Chen
Site administrator and designer, captain at Emirates Virtual Airlines.

How to Execute Go Around (Missed Approach)

So, your landing is going badly, and you don't want to continue?  Then you should execute a go around. In this tutorial, I will show you how. 

Apply TO/GA power (usually 100% throttle), and retract flaps to flaps 2. (10-15 degrees). Pull up gently and start climbing. Upon a positive rate of climb, retract the landing gear. 

Continue climbing to 6000 feet, then perform a 180 degrees turn, and realign with the runway. Now continue with the landing. In some cases, it is required to circle around the airport to land on the same runway and angle. Make sure your bank dont exceed 30 degrees.

Go around checklist

Landing gear.......retracted
Landing briefing..confirmed

~Michael Chen
Site administrator, captain at Emirates Virtual Airlines

Crosswind TakeOff

This is the crosswind take off tutorial. In this part you will learn how to make a crosswind take-off even in the hardest ones.

Step 1:
Align on the runway. Open flaps 15 (Depends on aircraft and length of the runway), Strobe lights and landing lights on.

Step 2:
Check the direction of the wind. 

Now There are 3 types main of wind blowing:
• Wind coming from the front to the back of the aircraft. In this one, you should open flaps more and increase the speed so that you can take-off. 

• Wind coming from the back to the front of the aircraft. Here you should open flaps 1, and increase speed to N1= 90% and pull nose slowly up. 

• Wind coming from Left or Right of the aircraft. Now this is the difficult one! :p
But all you need to do is, flaps normal and speed increased normally. When you reach V1, Slowly apply the rudder against the wind  and when you pull up the nose, apply the rudder against the wind and keep going straight from the runway till you reach 3000Ft. Slowly and gently release rudder.

Crosswind Landing:

This is the difficult part, but we will help you to perform that. This takes a lot of practice. :)
First of all, you must create a crosswind. Go into weather settings, and turn up the wind velocity.

Step 1:
When you have made your descent from 35,000ft to 10,000 Ft, Landing lights and strobe lights are on, continue to descent to 4000 Ft and maintain below 240Knots.

Step 2: 
At 4000 Ft, Flaps 1... Turn towards runway, at a speed of 200 knots. Maintain 3000 feet until runway is in sight. 
Slow down to 160 knots once you are about 7 nm away from airport. 5nm away from airport, gear down. You should follow the ILS (the circle) and make it align with the runway. Use the small circle in the centre, which estimates your path, and make it align with teh runway.

Step 3: 
At 50 feet, use the rudder against the wind, pull the nose up, reduce speed. On touchdown, hold the rudder, then slowly release it and align yourself with the runway centreline.

Step 4:
Apply reverse thrust, push slowly nose down, spoilers should be armed and flaps Full. When you reach 60 Knots, brakes On and Lose speed from 60 to 20 knots!

Step 5:

Go taxiing at 20 Knots and park plane at gate! 

This is how to make a crosswind landing!

Take Off Tutorial

A Boeing 777 taking off from YSSY

In this tutorial, we will show you how to pushback, line at the runway and finally leave the ground and climb to 10,000 Feet.
Basic/Short Guide
Hold on pages and slide to systems, and press on pushback. Once at a point where you can taxi, using the rudder, steer your aircraft to and onto the runway. Turn flaps to 15 degrees. Slowly turn up the throttle up to 90% while lining up with the runway, and at 140 knots, pull up gently to 15 degrees, climbing at 3000 feet per minute).

Detailed Step by Step Guide
Step 1:
Select a parking position in an airport. Once it is loaded, hold on 'pages' and slide to 'systems', Beacon lights On.

Step 2:
Press on pushback. Using the rudder, turn to a point where you can taxi to the runway. Then stop the pushback, Brakes On.

Step 3:
Release the breaks, and put on 20% power, maximum taxi speed 20 knots. Now, taxi to the runway of your choice. You have now completed pushback, and taxi, and is ready for take off.

Step 4:
When you are at the runway, Open Flaps 15 (depending on your aircraft)

Step 5:
Throttle up slowly, and gently, until the 'N1' (on top of the throttles) goes up to 90%. At your aircrafts vR (rotation/take off speed. Varies between aircrafts, usually 145 knots):

Step 6:
Gently pull up on the yoke, and pitch up to 15 degrees, climbing at 3000 feet per minite.

Step 7:
At 4000 feet, you can activate the autopilot. And keep Climbing till you reach 10,000Ft and then Landing Lights, Strobe Lights and seatbelt Sign Off.

Tips and Tricks
If you find your aircraft drifting when taking off, this is probably due to a crosswind. You can find our crosswind take off tutorial here:
Make sure to keep an eye on your vertical speed to make sure you are not climbing too steeply, which can result in a stall. If you find you are climbing too fast, ie. vertical speed of 5000 ft/min, then you can should push forwards.
Also keep an eye on your airspeed, exceeding the 250 knots speed limit (under 10,000ft) is surprisingly easy. If you find you are overspeeding, then lower your throttle or pull up to increase your rate of climb.

Happy flights!

An airbus A330 pushing back

Landing Tutorial:

Every plane goes up and needs to come down and that's the landing.. In this we will show you how to descend from 10,000 Ft to 3000 Ft and then touch the ground:

Step 1:
When you have made your descent to 10,000 Ft,
Turn on;
1. Landing Lights
2. Strobe lights. 
And use the Autopilot VS (Vertical Speed) to descend with a VS of 1200-2000 depending on aircraft to 3000 feet.(for most airports)

Step 2:
When you have reached 5000 Ft, VS should be 1000 and turn Flaps 1(2 or 5 degrees depending aircraft) with speed below 240 Knots. Maintain 3000 feet until runway in sight.
5 nautical miles away from the airport, put the gear down. Confirm landing, and decrease speed to 160 knots and flaps full. Now arm the spoilers.

Step 3:
When you hear 50ft callout, slowly pull the nose up and decrease speed.

Step 4:
When touch, gently push the nose down and apply reverse thrust and spoilers will automatically deploy brakes On. Stop reverse thrusts at 60 knots.

Step 5:
When the speed reaches 20 knots( Maximum taxiing speed), brakes Off, reverse thrust Off and start taxiing to the gate, close Flaps to 0, spoilers Off and park at gate.  

You have successfully land and park your plane. :D